Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Imagination + Creativity = ART

Friday, October 24, 2008
Keeping a Journal
"Used appropriately, instead of drawing us more into ourselves, a journal can actually become a means of propelling us into action for others... The journal can be a mirror in the hands of the Holy spirit in which He reveals His perspective on our attitudes, thoughts, words, and actions. Since we will be held accountable for each of these at the judgment, evaluating them by any means is wisdom."
I agree with this his statement and find it to be true in my own life. As I write down what I am thinking or feeling about a situation it helps me cement in my own mind what I truly do feel and think. When I see it in black and white, I have choices to make. I can either agree and ignore what I see or it can propel me to make changes in my thoughts and actions. Those changes usually involve how I treat others or behavior changes that effect others. We are all bouncing around in this world bumping into each other like those balls in the lottery bin. I am hoping that when I bump into others that my influence will be a positive one and not a negative one. A nice soft kind of bumping into and not a harsh hurtful one. Journals are a great way to work all that out and people that keep journals know how revolutionizing they can be. Here is another quote from the book.
"...the simple discipline of recording the events of the day and noting my reactions to them causes me to examine myself much more thoroughly than I would otherwise."
Do you suppose that people don't keep journals because they would have to slow down long enough to actually evaluate what they think about life, themselves and see the reality of those words? I wonder.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Green Mountain

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Count Your Blessings

Then in verse 26 it says, "Yes' the king replied, 'but to those who use well what they are given, even more will be given. But from those who are unfaithful, even what little they have will be taken away."
It made me consider all the blessings, gifts, talents and responsibilities that I have been given and if I was using them well? What would it take for me to use them well and what exactly have I been given to use well? I think that will be an ongoing conversation I will be having with the Lord so that I can answer those questions and feel confident of a positive answer.
Monday, October 20, 2008

Also in Shellburne Falls we saw what they call Pot Holes. The waterfall in the back is from a dam and I guess that in the summer the kids come and play in the water here. The Potholes were ground out by granite during the glacial age by the whirlpool action of water and gyrating stones of different sizes. This is just a small portion of the area. The Potholes range from 8-39 inches in depth. It was very unique to see.
After eating lunch in a very artsy deli we drove through Conneticutt to our hotel. We will be heading home tomorrow and just in time. By Wednesday there is to be 3-6 inches of snow in the hills where we have been touring. Last night is was 20 degrees here. The other thing we did today was to stop at a Sugar Shack that made maple syrup and other maple food items. They sold maple soft serve icecream cones for 25cents. It was made with cream and it was amazing. I honestly did not know that they really do drill holes in the maple trees and put spickets to collect the maple sap. They then put it in a big machine to take out the water and that is how they make maple syrup. But the real stuff is runny not thick like store bought syrup. YUM!

Friday, October 17, 2008
Leaf peepin in New Hampshire

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Today in Maine

The towns here are so cute. Everyone of them has historic buildings with little white churches, clock towers and city halls. The houses are colonial and Victorian.
We stopped in Kennepunkport and I did a little shopping. One of the shops I went into had this Italian looking guy who was working all the ladies that came in. As I was shopping these two older ladies came in. One of them said she loved the aroma of the shop and he told her it was leather potpourri. She totally believed him. I looked over at him with a, "you have got to be kidding me", and he winked at me. The other lady ended up buying something and said her friends at home where going to be jealous of her and his reply was, "they already do, now they just have another reason". That was too much, I started to laugh, quietly to myself, of course. This guy was smooth. I ended up buying a really cute pair of shoes and the soles are made from recycled Jeep tires.

I stopped off at a Starbucks to see if they had a city mug and the guy working there was from Seattle. It is so funny to talk to people who are from your own neck of the woods. Even though they are complete strangers you feel this connection to them instantly. I was surprised that Portland didn't have a mug but I did find one in Boston when I was there. We are staying the night in a resort in Conway, Maine. I had never heard of it before but it has lots of cute shops and other activities going on here. Well, that's it for today. They have a shop here called, For Your Paws Only, where your pet goes through and picks out what they want and you pay for it. There is a bakery for the dogs. I am getting so educated on this trip, ha, ha.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Boston Common

I went to Boston Common today and it was so beautiful. The weather was perfect and the sun was shining. It was filled with huge old trees, fountains and statues. I could have stayed there all day just wandering around looking at nature and people and enjoying the beautiful day

Today was the last day the swan was in the pond. There were men there with big nets trying to catch the Swan for the winter. It was quite entertaining to watch. I got a good picture of the swan but it was up close and I wanted you to see how amazing this pond is. The most peaceful place with lots of benches around to just sit and meditate. I also watched the many squirels burying nuts for the winter. It was hilarious. They dug pretty deep holes, laid the nut in the hole and carefully but quickly covered it over and then ran away. I have never seen a squirrel do that before and it just fascinated me. In fact, they had these little plots of dirt all over the park and now I wonder if it was just for that purpose. They seemed to have thought of everything. They had trash cans, recycling cans and doggy poo dispensers. Can you tell I am not from the city. I was amazed with it all. The apartments that lined the park went for the starting price of 3 million dollars. I saw one apartment with a beautiful garden on top. I could only see the parts hanging over the edge but it looked beautiful from street level. We ended our day by driving up to Maine and having a lobster dinner. The lobsters were huge too. YUM!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Boston or Bust

Friday, October 10, 2008
Handsewn Journal

Yesterday we had our art journal group meeting and Jaron showed us how to make handmade journals. It was so fun. I can not say this enough. Everyone is so talented and sweet and I am humbled and blessed beyond anything to be a part of this group. Just to have them like the same things I like and speak my language, in a sense, is almost unreal. The time flies by in seconds and I wish we could stay forever. The construction of the journal was not that difficult and I am anxious to make a few more. I am going to add ribbons and beads and dangly things to mine but here is the initial finished product. Everyone's journal was unique to them and so beautiful. I am praising God for bringing us all together.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Busy Week
I am also taking Paulette Insall's face painting class on-line. I have a separate journal for practicing my drawings of faces. The class just started this week and I have learned so much already but let me tell you, I am going to need a lot of practice. Faces are not as easy as she makes it look. There is a lot to be said for talent and I'm wondering where mine went. Patience, patience, patience, that is what I need. Next week we get to start painting but I will be gone so I will have to catch up when I get back. Paulette will be at our art journal group tomorrow and I am so excited to get to meet her.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Art & Soul Vendor Night

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
On my Journey