We still have not made it to an internet cafe. We are so busy everyday that by the time we get back to our hotel we just fall into bed and say we'll go tomorrow. Today we went to a flea market, Les Ivalides, Opera National de Paris. Lafayette shopping Mall and the Arc de Triomphe. We saw the Eiffle Tower when we climbed the hundreds of stairs to the top of the Arc. If I had put a pedometer on for this trip I would not be suprised if we walked fifty miles today because that it what it feels like. .y legs are tired but the boots are wonderful and my feet don.t hurt at all. Hang in there and hopefully I will get some photos up before the end of this trip.
I made it to Atlanta, Georgia and now I am waiting and eating before I take my flight to Paris. So far so good. The wierdest thing happened though, I was about an hour into my flight and I look up and my cousin is standing in the isle. She is on her way to sing in Carnegie Hall and I had no idea about it. I also met an old friend on my flight. What's the chance of that happening? OK, gotta eat.
PS I made it to Paris and it is amaziing. I have some pictures to show but I need to find an internet cafe to post them. Maybe tomorrow.
PSS I am in love with the espresso here!
I would love to win any of her stuff especially that beautiful print. Well, the clock with wings is pretty cute too. Come to think about it, I would love all of it. She is so inspiring with her creativity and the girl has the most amazing shading in her art. I could stare at her paintings for hours just taking in all the colors and shades. I have been so blessed to have these ladies as friends.
The 8GB memory card I ordered for my camera came yesterday. I think that should be big enough to take a few pictures in Paris but the boots are still AWOL. I figure they should come today or tomorrow. The anticipation is killing me. Oh, I almost forgot:
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Go green today
This is just a test to see if I can post from my phone. I hope it works so that I can do some posts when I am away from home.
Can you tell where I am going to be in three weeks? I can hardly breathe I am so excited and panicked that my passport won't be here in time.
I got a call from my lovely niece about a week ago asking if I wanted to hang out with her in Paris for a week. Well, let's see, YES, definitely YES. My ticket is booked and I can't believe I am going to Paris. Me, little ol' me. For those of you who are praying folk, start now. Things tend to go awry when I go away. But I won't worry about that now, I have lots to do to be ready in three weeks. YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This journal is different than all my other journals because I have added fabric, ribbon, trim and lots of patterned paper, patterned tape and netting. I have also added stitching by hand and stitching with my sewing machine. So far it has been a lot of fun.
I definitely can see me making another one of these in the future. I loved painting on the fabric and the feel and look of the cover is amazing to me.
Here is one prepped page ready to go. My niece came with a packet of goodies for me and I used quite a few of the images in this journal. They were all black and white. How did she know? We think a lot alike so it is not surprising. Thanks Janene, I was blessed by your company!
Here is one finished page that I worked on. I wanted to remind myself of all the fun I am having and to not loose the joy as I progress in my art journey. I really like doodling and had some fun this weekend watching Felicity (Freshman year) and playing with my pens.