Monday, February 9, 2009

Building your sanctuary

I am going through the book, "12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women" by Gail McMeekin. There are a whole bunch of women going through the book together over at Jamie Riddler's blog. I am so far behind, oh well. I just went through chapter two today on Honoring Your Inspirations. One of the challenges that is suggested is similar to the daily book in the Creative Call and that is to take time everyday to sit quietly, listen to your thoughts and write down inspirations or whatever else comes out. I have been resistant to this process but I decided today that I should give it a go. So I made a new journal out of a composition notebook and have started doing some of the exercises suggested and will journal for a few minutes everyday and sit in silence and listen for creative thoughts to emerge. The other idea that intrigued me was that we can get inspiration from our surroundings. Birds that fly by our window, a flower on a bush, colors in nature, lines and shapes in anything around us. Just being aware of everything may provide new sparks for the creative process. Part of our surroundings is the place where we create. We need to make our creative spaces welcoming and a true sanctuary. I have some ideas for my art room. Simple changes that will make it more inviting and less inhibiting. I am enjoying the book so far because it really has some good insights into getting in tune to your personal creativity and how to encourage it. Take a wander over to Jamie's blog and check it out. She is interviewing a different creative woman every Friday and those have been very interesting.


Mary said...

I like these last few pages a lot. You are keeping a record of your journey with these. I am gonna hop on over to the blog you mentioned and check it out.
Have a good day!!

Kim Padden said...

I think I'm going to have to get a copy of this book. You are making it sound so inspirational. :)

Aimeslee Winans said...

This journal page art speaks to me, beautiful!
