Saturday, March 29, 2008

Hat Chick

I guess it's a girls weekend. I am limiting myself to just the crayons, colored pencils and pens and I'm having such a great time seeing what appears on the page. I am so fortunate to have this time to play. But both the girls are not happy. The last one looked sad and this one just looks perturbed. What is that all about. The saying, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" came to mind. I am going to have to lighten the mood a bit. Maybe I will try to draw hearts or daises next. Daisies are such happy flowers.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Girly Style

Snow in March?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008
A Touch of Spring

Saturday, March 22, 2008
Happy Easter

PS. I really wanted to get a picture of those beautiful trees to put in here. Maybe I will put it in later in the week.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Good Friday

I was thinking about the day Christ was crucified and how sad and heart breaking it would have been to those not knowing that Easter was coming. Watching the person you thought was going to save you and be your king hanging there and you could do nothing about it.
Here is what the writing says on the picture below the crosses.
Dark with death pain and betrayal waiting for the ones who would hang there that day.
Blood was shed anguish and crying did it really have to end up this way?
God, God why have you forsaken your son on the cross
Beaten and broken all hope seemed lost
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Easter Surprise

I had the best surprise yesterday. It has been kind of a tough week. Headache issues and all. I went to help my niece at her store, paperdoll and we were talking about my morning and in walks this lady from the florist shop down the street. There is just something about someone delivering flowers that brings a smile to your face even if they are not for you. What I didn't expect was that the flowers being delivered were for me. YEAH! They were so cute too. My wonderful husband wanted to cheer me up. What a sweetie pie he is. The other benefit of getting these flowers was that they are the only Easter decorations I have out. It just perked me and my house right up.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
On the Big Screen
Monday, March 17, 2008
Monday Morning

Why do Mondays always feel like this? I am resolved to make it through the dreary day, migraine and mounds of laundry. Yes, I can climb this mountain and break through the clouds to the sunny top. I think I will be saying that a few times to myself today. Yes you can, Yes you can; just like the little engine that could, chugging along until he finally made it. I think it has something to do with Monday starting with the letter M. Think about all the words that start with M. Moaning, mad, mutter, mean, miserable, meager, the list goes on. But words that start with other letters of the week are, Terrific, Wonderful, Fantastic, Sensational. OK, I know my theory won't hold up but I'm sticking to it :) for today anyway. Hope your Monday is Meaningful!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Come Out and Play

Friday, March 14, 2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Coffee Creation

Coffee greets me in the morning
creamy rich and brown
sweet aroma, hot and tasty
perks me up when I am down
Tea is weak and waters nothing
the taste can not compare
to the rich enchanting flavor
when between two friends it's shared
I love my coffee
there's no denying
and I barely miss a day
pretty cups and mugs to hold it
will it be espresso, cappuccino or latte?
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Pink Lady

Sunday a few friends and I went to a place that sells stuff, well junk really and we dug through bins to find treasures. I had never been there before and wore a white sweater. Go figure. But it was so exciting imagining what these pieces of rick rack, bottle caps, floor tile and other assorted pieces would become. Mostly I just picked things that look interesting to me and told myself that I would figure out later how they fit together. I couldn't wait to get my hands on them and so Monday I laid them all out in front of me and waited for the creative juices to start flowing. Here is the one I call "Pink Lady". I wonder where I got that title? I put a few of my favorite things in this collage, the color pink, daises, hearts. I think she looks pretty chic standing there with her pink poodle and shopping bag but does anyone really go shopping with their dog? OK, on to make more art. :)
Monday, March 10, 2008
My Journey of Discovery

Thursday, March 6, 2008
Who are you the most like?
I am the most like my mother although I do take after my dad in the creative and fun categories. My mother was a quiet and considerate person. She was devoted to the few friends she had and led a quiet life. Her faith was evident even though she didn't speak of it often. She lived her faith and you could see it in how she treated people. She loved to talk one-on-one but was quieter in groups. I remember on many occasions running into people she knew at the grocery store and it would bring a moan out of both my sister and I because we knew we would not be leaving anytime soon. My kids accuse me of this same behaviour and have resorted to pushing me out of the store and into the car. She knew lots of people and so we were always running into someone every time we went out. She didn't like to drive much but would take her kids anywhere they needed to go. She supported every sport or activity I was in by being there with claps and encouraging smiles. She prayed faithfully for each of her children and didn't tell them what to do but she also had a critical comment when they were making wrong choices. she worked hard when that was what was needed but knew how to relax too. I loved my mom and will miss her because she passed away when I was 18 but I am glad that a part of her lives on in me.
OK, it is your turn :)
Tuesday, March 4, 2008