We had a great day of food and family. Lots and lots of food! My grandson discovered the pots and pans and we were all quite entertained.

At times we had to talk louder because of all the serenading going on. I see drums in his future. He was also taken with a basket that was laying around. Here he is with his mama, my oldest daughter.

He had lots of people willing to carry him around and keep an eye on him so my daughter could actually carry on a full conversation. I remember those days of only hearing snippets of conversations as you ran from room to room taking care of kids
Here are my middle children. .Little brother, or not so little, is not enjoying a hug from his older sister but she is not discouraged.
My youngest holding the bunny for his nephew, or at least that is the story he is telling. I love the smile. He is really a lot of help with my grandson. He is about the only one with enough energy to keep up. I keep forgetting to have someone take my picture. I am always the one taking the pictures and future generations are going to think I never showed up at any of these events. Anyway, it was a great family day and I'm thanking the Lord for the one I've got.