Monday, January 5, 2009

Monday peace

Well, it is Monday morning and kids are back to school. I had my doubts last night when it started snowing with a vengeance but the warm air swooped in and melted it so that they could go today. They had to go 2 1/2 hours late but hey, they are now there and peace has descended on the house. Even my oldest and grand baby went to school today at the local college. I tackled the pile of clean laundry left over from last week and almost have this weeks done. Something about the smell of clean laundry and hearing the dryer roar that helps give a fresh start to the week. I need to go out but I am reluctant to leave. Being the introvert that I am, the quiet fuels my soul in a way that nothing else can. I am breathing in big deep breaths of peace, aah. Maybe I will put off the errands for just a bit longer.

1 comment:

Sharon Goemaere said...

I too am an introvert.I completely understand the need for solitude and silence.It's how I recharge my oft neglected"battery"as well.Been that way my whole life.~Sharon