Monday, September 15, 2008


I am reminded today to focus on the word and what it says to me. When I focus on other things life goes sideways really quick. I will delight in your principles and not forget your word. Psalm 119:16. What rainbows will I see today? I am anticipating a fresh new start to the week and joy in the journey. A breath of fresh air has blown through my window and I feel like I can breath again. Whew, I was never good at holding my breath anyway. Thank you Lord for today!


Jen said...

Wow, did this entry ever speak to me! I'm going to have to add that verse to my Scripture file. I really love the journaling on the left page. Thanks so much for sharing this - I too now feel like I have received a breath of fresh air.

Sharon Goemaere said...

Ah,fresh air,a new day,praise Him!Love~Sharon