Saturday, June 28, 2008
Summer is here!

Monday, June 23, 2008
Can you guess?
Friday, June 20, 2008
My Favorite Things

Bahama Breeze

I don't think I have talked so much about food as I have on this trip. I promise I will get back to art very soon. I have been doing a page in my art journal almost everyday. I went to a huge stamp store and bought some stamps I haven't seen at home and then bought some new paint pens in black, white and yellow that I think I will try out this afternoon. So many new supplies and not enough hours in the day.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Pikes Place Market

The fruit was amazing. I got a fresh Marionberry smoothie that was to die for.

Evan the vegetables were beautiful. It was a feast for the eyes!

Here they are. Pretty cool huh? I have a thing for shoes. But these not only look good they are so comfortable too which you don't expect when you see them.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Purple, Blue and Pink?

My daughter met us for lunch today and has dyed her hair purple. I love it! I don't think moms are supposed to say that but for the longest time I wanted to dye my hair blue and lately I wish it could be pink. My hair colorist said I was too old to have pink hair. Oh, the nerve of him. I told him that if old ladies could have blue hair then I can have pink. Apparently old ladies get their hair colored blue because they can't see it otherwise. I had no idea. I'm holding out for pink though. I saw a lady at church today, older than me, with bright orange hair. All the power to ya sista!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Beautiful Day!

I'm not very good with taking care of plants. They either survive or they don't. I think this beautiful rose is starting to become wild but I think it is beautiful anyway.
My Mother-in-law gave me these petunias for Mother's Day and they are blooming their little hearts out. I think pink is color of the day.
As I was taking a picture of this beautiful peony and our dog came and laid down under the bush. She will do anything to get our attention. I couldn't resist taking the picture. It looks like she has a flower tucked behind her ear. So cute. You can see how big the flower is when it is up next to her head. This bush is gorgeous. I am wishing I had a whole garden of them.
Be Your Own Life Coach
Victoria Moran listed 10 questions to ask yourself. They would be good questions to journal through. For those interested, the link below explains them in detail.
Here are the questions:
1. Is this good for me? Is this good for me today, next week, in 10years, physically mentally and spiritually?
2. What does my Body have to say about this? Do you feel a yes in your heart or dread in your gut?
3. What are my values? Know them by heart so that you can apply them.
4. What would Jesus do? He is your on-call mentor.
5. What am I not seeing? Often what we are not seeing is what we don't want to see.
6. What really matters here? Evaluate not only right and wrong but more important to less important.
7. Where should I act and where should I step back? What is your given part in this situation? Remind yourself that although life is a series of mini dramas none of them need a drama queen.
8. What would make me genuinely happy? (that won't make you unhappy later) Make a list of things that make you happy and do some everyday.
9. Who has some guidance for me right now? Take some deep breaths and let names come to your mind then use your rational mind to sort through them to find someone who could truly help.
10. What is the divine, intention for my life today? (God's will)
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Consuming Passion
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Where the day takes me

Sunday was one of those days that you just don't want to end. Sunny!!!! Gotta advertise that because they are few and far between these days. I was relaxed and I got to meet so many wonderful women at church. Then out to lunch with hubby and we talked and talked while the boys went to the movies. Then we all went for ice cream and home to watch movies. It was truly a day that planned itself and turned out great. My journal page about it didn't turn out too bad either. I tried some new techniques from the e-zine @ www.paperbellastudios.com. Made my own hand drawn and cut out letters and buildings to chart out what I did that day. First time for me to leave the page white and not cover it with paint or paper. I am half way through my art journal and it just brings me such joy to hold it in my hands and look through the pages. Everyday starts out a mystery of what will appear there and in the end a page of memories and thoughts and creative imagery has appeared. How incredible that is to me. It amazes me. I don't know why but it does. Child-like wonder I guess. I hope you have something in your life that brings out that feeling because we were all created with it and it would be so sad if it was lost.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Here is the journal page I made on day two of the Write time, Write place journal project with http://www.paperbellastudio.com/ . As I thought about summer I realized that I was waiting for it to start. Rain and cloudy skies kind of put a crimp in the shorts and t-shirt attire. But what really stood out was the fact that I spend a lot of time waiting. Waiting for good weather to have fun, waiting for an invite from a friend to go somewhere new, waiting for a cleaner house to invite someone over, waiting for time to miraculously appear to start exercising, waiting for health issues to arise to motivate me to lose weight, waiting for others to make up their minds about vacations to plan my summer, waiting for kids to grow up to have dreams of my own. So much wasted time that could be used enjoying life. Ecclesiastes 5:17 says Throughout their lives, they live under a cloud-frustrated, discouraged, and angry. If you look in verses 19-20 Solomon says; To enjoy your work and accept your lot in life-that is indeed a gift from God. People who do this rarely look with sorrow on the past, for God has given them reasons for joy.
I don't want to wait anymore. I want to take each day and enjoy it for what it is. Enjoy my work when I am doing it, enjoy my times of playing when I am doing that and make time to do the things that I want to do and not wait any longer for other people or situations to change. Accepting what my lot is and enjoying being right where I am, letting God give me joy in the midst of it all. Moment by moment, step by step.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Summer Shoes