I have been
delinquent this week in posting. Being the introvert that I am, when I have had a lot of business and interactions I tend to have a few days of very low energy and needing to hide out. A recharging of my batteries, so to speak. Can't say that I have been able to do that yet but I am working on it. All that so say, I have not been very productive this week. I have been spending time with family,
grandbaby who is sick and friends who I haven't seen in months. I even went to a huge rummage sale yesterday and got some good finds.

I found a milk glass pedestal bowl to match the plate I found a couple of weeks ago. The rubber stamps look like fun and will be showing up in my journal pages soon. There were so many more but I also picked up a huge wooden barn for my grandbaby and it was hard to look at the stamps with it in my arms. I couldn't even get down that isle, I just had to stand on the edge and reach for what I wanted. It was so crowded at this huge rummage sale that I think I will go back on Saturday when things are 50% off. I also grabbed some trim on my way out that is MY-T-Fine! The other item I purchased was a shelf that I am using to put my ribbons on.
I need to get some more containers but I think this will work quite well for getting the ribbon off the table top. I even think I might be able to hang the shelf on the wall which would make it even better.
I did work in my Paris art journal this week and added to the Bainbridge Island signature. This weekend I am going to spend a couple of days with my niece, who I went to Paris with. Her journal was destroyed on the trip and so we are going to work on re-creating it. I may have pictures on Tuesday when I get back.