What five things am I thankful for today?
1. A massage to work out the last of sore mussels.
(She worked on me pretty hard so hopefully I'm good now)
2. Creative time with my niece
(we made Teesha Moore's Amazing 16 page journal)
3. Dinner as a family.
(since the kids have grown older we find it harder and harder to have everyone home at the same time and hungry)
4. A call from my daughter, just because.
(she enjoyed the New Moon movie so much she called to tell me when the next one was coming out and that we are going to the midnight showing this time )
5. Trimmed hydrangeas and escalonias.
( They had gotten so big I couldn't see out my front door.)
Now I am off to clean the house, bake pies, run the dog to the groomers, grocery store errand and pick up my son from work.
Have a thankfully beautiful day!