Just a quick note to say that I will be gone for a couple of weeks. I may get a chance to post something while I am gone but if not just know that I am off having fun visiting family and attending an art retreat. When I get back I will update with pictures and stories. I will also be giving details about the art journal challenge. I hope someone will join me. All you need is a journal and pens and anything else you may want to use to enhance your theme.
Blessing to you all, TTFN
Sunny weather here I come :)
Friday, April 25, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Dandelion Psychology

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Old photos and doilies

Here is the picture of my mom. I knew after I talked about her yesterday that some of you would be interested in seeing a picture. So now you can see how I come by the cheeks legitimately. I wish I knew how old she was but both my parents have passed on and so I have no way of knowing. I think she is lovely though whatever her age. I think I might even have her gown tucked away in my cedar chest. Do young girls have cedar chests anymore? I think they lost their purpose with my generation. All I do is store old stuff that I hardly ever look at. Being sentimental at heart, I couldn't get rid of it if I tried but it seems sad to never use any of it or have it on display somewhere. My grandmother crocheted beautiful tablecloths and doilies and my kids are very practical people and wouldn't know what to do with a doily or care to figure it out. What to do, what to do? Oh well, nothing I need to decide on today. Today, I have to figure out how to pack all the art supplies piled on my table so that they get to the East coast in one piece.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sunday, April 20, 2008
Brr- it's cold outside
The excitement is building. I have just about finished off the last minute purchasing of supplies for my trip to Virginia and Art & Soul. I did break down and buy a pair of shorts. Apparently, it has been 85 degrees where I am going. This is hard to imagine since we had snow yesterday. I thought snow in March was weird but April 19th was just too much. The poor spring flowers that popped through the ground weeks ago are now struggling to survive. I hope this is the last of the snow till next winter because once I get a taste of warm sunny days I am not going to want to come home to cold wintry weather. Brr!
Friday, April 18, 2008
27th Wedding Anniversary
Today I am thankful for my husband. It is our 27th wedding anniversary. We were talking last night about how much we have changed over the years and how strange it seems to think that we have been married over 1/2 our lifetime. We have grown up together really and I can't imagine him not being there through all the tough times and all the good. He is a sensitive, careing, loving and thoughtful guy. Thank you Lord for this gift. What did I know about picking a husband, I was teenager. Now 27 years later I realize the magnitude of that decision and am thankful God was looking out for me.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Time to create

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Love & Singing
"The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing" (Zephaniah 3:17, NIV).
Don't you just love that verse? I was just thinking this week about singing praises to the Lord and here His Word tells me that He is singing them back to me. I remember when my kids were young and they had a hard time going to sleep, I would sing to them and rub their heads and backs so gently. It was a peaceful act of love that helped them to quiet their restless minds and bodies so that they could go to sleep. Now when I am anxious about stuff, I can remember that God is there to quiet me with His love and is rejoicing over me with singing. That is what I am thankful for today.
Don't you just love that verse? I was just thinking this week about singing praises to the Lord and here His Word tells me that He is singing them back to me. I remember when my kids were young and they had a hard time going to sleep, I would sing to them and rub their heads and backs so gently. It was a peaceful act of love that helped them to quiet their restless minds and bodies so that they could go to sleep. Now when I am anxious about stuff, I can remember that God is there to quiet me with His love and is rejoicing over me with singing. That is what I am thankful for today.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Phew, I was able to get the blog back to normal. I really liked it with three columns too. I will do some more research before I go changing anything again. That was scary.
Sing a new Song

Saturday, April 12, 2008
Craft Room in progress

Digital organizing

I just got my new digital scrap book magazine in the mail and boy am I excited! http://www.digitalscrapbooking.com/ It gave me two very valuable tips that I want to tell you about. First, I can't believe that I didn't think of this myself but it is amazing. When I started to download tons of papers and embellishments I came to a place where I had to decide how I was going to organize all of it. I did the best I could do but still I have to sort through tons of files to find an element that I want to add to my page. I use Photoshop Elements to design and organize my photos but what I hadn't figured out until today is that you can pull all the papers and embellishments into the photo organizer and tag it. Then, when you want to find something all you have to do is click a button to see what you are looking for. I tried it out and shazam, there right before my eyes were all the orange papers. I tried it again and there were all my flowers. YEAH!!!! Can you tell how excited I am. The bad part is that now I have to go through my hundreds of files and tag everything. Oh well, I can take the time while I am watching TV to organize. I really am getting into this organizing thing. Whoo hoo! I got so excited I forgot what the other thing is I was going to tell you :0 Oh yeah, I learned how to make word books digitally. I made one for my Art & Soul trip. You have to see a picture to understand. It is really cool. I only made the template digitally but you can do it all on the computer if you want.You can see the picture above. I am going to try and finish up my craft orgainzation and will show you how that is going too. Check back tomorrow for the update.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Art Journal Challenge
I have been inspired lately by art challenges. I have seen ones that challenge you to make art everyday, or journal everyday or to make art journal pages everyday. As challenging as that seems I am intrigued enough to try it. I am going to be going to the Art & Soul retreat www.artandsoulretreat.com in a little over 2 weeks. I am so excited about what I will be learning from professional artists. I am taking a couple of journaling classes and so I am going to challenge myself when I get back to take the 21 day challenge of art journaling from May 11-31st. Anyone else up for the challenge? All you do is pick a theme for your journal, create a page and write on it everyday for 21 days. Simple enough? I think not, but definately fun. I am saying this now so that you have time to think about it and get some supplies if you want to join me. I will be saying more about it later. I'm so excited about this. I really want to start now but with both my boys birthdays, my anniversary and my daughter and grand baby visiting along with leaving on vacation, I think I had better wait. Did I mention how busy I am right now, WOW!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Encouraging Words
I have been thinking about the journal prompt on encouraging words. I have been so blessed this week with friends and family who have said so many nice things to me. Words encouraging me in my art, words encouraging me to pursue my dreams, words thanking me for being such a supportive mother-in-law and words of gratitude that I am in their life. I don't know if it is because I have been paying closer attention this week or if I was just blessed but I felt like words of encouragement were poured out on me. I like the pay-it-forward idea and so I want to say thank you to all of you who come here to this little blog and for those who leave comments. I am grateful for you and think of you often. You took a moment out of your life and used your words to make a difference in my life. Thank you :)
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
I don't have a picture today but I will soon. I have been spending some very needed time organizing my craft room. It started out as my office then turned into a storage room and when it got to the point that I couldn't even walk through the room without taking out insurance I decided it was time to organize. This is no easy task. I have the ability to collect a lot of stuff, the Goodwill can attest to this as I have made many trips lately to donate. Anyway, my niece who is an organizational wizard told me what to get and then came out to help me get started. Today, I saw some hope on the horizon. When I am all finished I may take a picture so you can see but that depends on how good it comes out. I just need a space right now to have all my art stuff in one place. I found watercolor pencils and crayons that I didn't even know I had. I don't even remember buying them. That is pretty bad. Now that I am getting everything in sight and within arms reach it is going to be a snap to do my art. I just can't wait! My week is so busy so I don't know when I will be able to get out there again. Maybe Sunday afternoon.
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