I thought I had better stick my head in here and leave a note. Between kids birthdays (2), Easter, party for a graduate, going away dinners for two kids, anniversary and remodeling my house, and dealing with a hurt knee, I find that I am a bit overwhelmed. I decided to take a small break from on-line stuff for just a bit. If I have the energy I will stop by but I'm giving myself the freedom to just deal with the other stuff for the month of April. I hope you will come back in May and I am hoping that I will have finished my art studio and have pictures. I am also taking an in-person class with Alisa Burke that I will have something to say about, I'm sure.
If you saw my art studio right now you would know the depth of my overwhelmingness :) I am painting the walls and putting down a faux wood floor all by myself and that is not the overwhelming part. Moving all the stuff out of the room is what has gotten me all in a tither. Oh my, OH MY! I have way too much stuff. I keep buying boxes and then running out. How can this be? I can tell you this. I am determined to limit what goes back into the room when I am all done. I keep telling myself, "One step at a time, just take this one box downstairs and then the next box and then the next. You can do this!" Imagining the room in all it's pink loveliness when it is done is helping too. So, I hope you all will be me cheerleading squad from afar and be patient that I won't be posting much this month.
Love and hugs to you all!