Tuesday, January 19, 2010

January update

It seems that so much has been going on lately but not a lot to blog about. Just regular ol' life stuff like laundry and dishes and de-cluttering. I did want to show some photos of my new haircut.
I'm really loving how short it is. Since I can't take a picture of the back of my head, and that would not be very exciting anyway, just take my word for it that it is really short.

My husband and I took a drive down to Sacramento, CA this past weekend. It was about a 12 hour drive for us. We took two days to get down there and one to get back. Let me tell you, I was glad to get out of the car when we got home. We went down there to check out a program called The Genesis Process. It was designed for people with addictions but it doesn't take you long to figure out that we all have unhealthy coping behaviours that affect our lives and basically are addictions. I learned so much about how the brain (limbic system) works and why we do what we don't want to do and don't do what we want to do. So basically, if you have habitual coping behaviors to deal with work, sex, anger, relationships, anxiety or fear and food that are self destructive then you have an addiction. This particular program has raised the success rate to 80% in areas that previously only had 5% success rates before. I am totally stoked about this program. If you want to check it out go here. They explain the process much better than I can.

Here is another picture I took on our drive down to California. The trees were so interesting and with the low hanging fog behind them it was very ethereal looking.

This picture was from Christmas of me and my girls. It came out a little bit blurry but was so cute I had to share. Obviously, it was taken before the haircut.


The Whispering Creek House said...

teri this haircut suits you sooo well! you look fab!

Tara said...

Love the new do! Too cute!!! Glad you had a good trip and back safe and sound.

she dreams big! said...

The hair is cute, cute, cute! And I hear you about nothing much to blog about. Why does life get in the way of LIFE!

snazzykc said...

Sassy hairdo girlfriend...and the pic of you and the girls is great!

Mary said...

Oh Teri, I love, love the hair cut!!

Teri Leigh said...

Thanks everyone!

Healing Expressions said...

LOve, Love ,Love your new doo Teri! Its beautiful!